Friday, February 01, 2019

Poem for Friday, The Orville, Hillwood

To Know the Dark
By Wendell Berry

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.


Thursday was cold -- not as cold as the parts of the country that are really suffering, but cold enough that my fingers hurt taking a walk outdoors, so instead I walked in the mall after having lunch with friends there. Other than looking at Valentine stuff, I didn't really shop, though if I had known Crabtree and Evelyn was closing, I would have!

We watched tonight's episode of The Orville, which I liked a lot until the very end when Claire decided it was fine to make it all about what Isaac needed instead of what they could be together -- come on, she's an adult with a child! From Hillwood in January, some holiday-decorated rooms and some of Dina Merrill's childhood and wedding clothes:

2019-01-12 13.15.03

2019-01-12 13.13.14

2019-01-12 13.15.41

2019-01-12 13.09.54

2019-01-12 13.26.01

2019-01-12 13.20.53

2019-01-12 13.21.32

2019-01-12 13.24.40

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