Saturday, March 30, 2019

Poem for Saturday and Sugarloaf Mountain

From 'Love Songs'
By Mina Loy


Green things grow
For the cerebral
Forager's revival
And flowered flummery
Upon bossed bellies
Of mountains
Rolling in the sun


Shedding our petty pruderies
From slit eyes

We sidle up
To Nature
 -  -  -  that irate pornographist


I got to spend a lot of Friday with Denise, who was in town for events before noon and after 6! We met at the mall and got Indian food and bubble tea, then came back to my house and watched Cruel Intentions (for its 20th anniversary) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer's "One More With Feeling" (because we got in the mood for it). Plus we played with cats and traded Pokemon.

Paul had a birthday coupon for Not Your Average Joe's, so we went there for dinner (I had the goat cheese salad and we split the Peanut Butter Thing for dessert). Around basketball, we watched the last two episodes of The Widow, which developed REALLY bad White People Making Africa All About Them problems, sigh. From last weekend while Adam was still here, the view from Sugarloaf Mountain:

2019-03-22 14.08.40


2019-03-22 14.22.25



2019-03-22 15.05.31



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