Thursday, April 25, 2019

Poem for Thursday and Mount Vernon Flowers

On a Lane in Spring
By John Clare

A little lane - the brook runs close beside,
And spangles in the sunshine, while the fish glide swiftly by;
And hedges leafing with the green springtide;
From out their greenery the old birds fly,
And chirp and whistle in the morning sun;
The pilewort glitters 'neath the pale blue sky,
The little robin has its nest begun
The grass-green linnets round the bushes fly.
How mild the spring comes in! the daisy buds
Lift up their golden blossoms to the sky.
How lovely are the pingles in the woods!
Here a beetle runs - and there a fly
Rests on the arum leaf in bottle-green,
And all the spring in this sweet lane is seen.


I had my annual physical on Wednesday, though I have to have lab work done on Friday because I stupidly forgot that since our insurance changed, I have to go to a different lab and by the time I remembered, my doctor wouldn't have had the results by today anyway. I stopped at AC Moore for one specific thing, running horse charms, and though they have like eleven different elephant charms, they only have big Western horse head charms -- I swear I looked at every charm in the place. At least the snowflake charms are on sale in April.

We had quick pad thai and samosas for dinner, then we watched the Capitals game, though we cheated on them briefly with What We Do in the Shadows though that didn't matter because they went up quickly, then gave up a bunch of goals, then did absolutely nothing in a first overtime before losing in the second overtime. I'm sad for my local friends who were hoping for a second Stanley Cup but this is the most hockey I've watched all year! Here are some of the flowers and growing things at Mount Vernon in the gardens and on the farm:





2019-04-21 16.31.04




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