Friday, May 24, 2019

Greetings from the University of Maryland

Got home after 11 p.m. following UMCP graduation, to which we drove in a horrific thunderstorm and tornado warning with my parents but the rain stopped literally as we were parking at the Xfinity Center, where we got to see Adam receive his dual degree in math and computer science along with his girlfriend Katherine and other friends, in a lovely though long ceremony given the number of STEM majors, with a very nice keynote speech by Clay Siegall, the co-founder of Seattle Genetics and a UMCP alum. The ceremony started late because of the storm, so we weren't outside till 8 p.m. and ended up going back with Katherine's family to my parents' house for pizza and cake because the local traffic near restaurants was so crazy. We are all very happy and proud and exhausted! Flickr is still down, so here are just a couple of pics with more to follow:

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