Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Poem for Wednesday and Washingtonian Waterfowl

The Vacuum Cleaner's Revenge
By Patricia Hubbell

I munch, I crunch.
I zoom. I roar.

I clatter-clack
Across the floor.

I swallow twigs.
I slurp dead bugs.

I suck the cat hair
From the rugs.

My stomach full
Of dirt and dust

I gulp another
Pizza crust.

A tiresome life—
All work, no play—

I think I'll swallow you today!


I had SO many chores to get done Tuesday and I only got a quarter of them done and the rest of my week is going to be completely crazy! And the vacuum is still broken and I don't want to buy a new one just because I don't have time to get this one fixed, but I really, really need to vacuum. Daniel's room is somewhat put back together -- we only put a couple of pictures back on the wall and moved the full-length mirror and the entire contents of the closet is down the basement, but it's clean and the cats are now willing to sleep on the bed!

Paul was going to make vegan "crab" cakes over the weekend but realized the chick peas needed to soak for a long time, so he put that off till tonight while I was upstairs sorting books, and they were awesome. We put off watching The 100 and Fosse/Verdon to see the premiere of Blood & Treasure, which is extremely predictable and knows it (actual makes references to Indiana Jones and Dan Brown while ripping off their scenes), but it's fun and the leads have chemistry. Here are the growing baby birds at Lake Washingtonian:

2019-05-17 19.23.36

2019-05-20 13.41.10

2019-05-17 19.23.58

2019-05-17 19.23.33

2019-05-17 19.24.03

2019-05-17 19.24.21

2019-05-17 19.25.57

2019-05-17 19.25.44

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