Monday, July 01, 2019

Greetings from Deep Run Park

Another quickie since we're just home from Richmond and not entirely organized (unpacked, but lots of laundry). We had breakfast at Cheryl's house, then went to Deep Run Park to take a walk, where we saw frogs, turtles, snakes, chipmunks, a heron, dragonflies, butterflies, and other birds (warning, there is a snake in these photos):








2019-06-30 11.52.00

Then we changed into less sweaty clothes and went to see a local drama school production of Les Miserables, which was quite good -- I'm fine with the prostitution and language toned down, though the school edition cuts too much of Javert's backstory and character, but the singing was excellent and most of the kids were surprisingly good actors.

We had dinner at Elephant Thai with Cheryl before heading home in only moderate I-95 traffic, stopping at Giant for necessities like cat food before arriving. Now we're watching Last Week Tonight dissect Amazon's terrible warehouse practices and how they affect other businesses and trying to make our cats forgive us for our absence!

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