Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Poem for Tuesday and Egyptian Treasures

If I Could Be A Super Hero
By Steve Lazarowitz

I don’t think I could be Superman
I’m sort of scared of heights
I’d sort of like to be Spiderman
But I’m afraid of spider bites

I suppose I could be Wolverine
But I’m afraid people would stare
I’d consider being the Incredible Hulk
But radition’s bad for your hair

The Fantastic Four, now there’s a thought
But I’m not sure that’s for me
Ben’s too ugly, Johnny too hot
And Sue I just can’t see

Maybe though I could be Reed
And lead the other three
Well maybe Reed’s a bit of a stretch
I can barely take care of me

Captain America, him perhaps
I love his mighty shield
But I fear I’m not brave enough
When things get rough, I yield

If I could be a superhero
I wonder which I’d be
Or maybe it’s time I tried to find
The hero inside of me


My Monday was totally boring when it wasn't completely frustrating for a variety of computer-related reasons. I did mostly get the laundry done, though not folded, and some food shopping done, so cats will not starve without Shrimpy Shrimp treats (they are sick of the Gravylicious ones).

We watched the first two episodes of The Boys, which I was more in the mood for than starting this season's Handmaid's Tale (I know some people found the latter disappointing). So far it's very well done, quite violent but not gratuitously so like a lot of Brightburn, and it's perversely enjoyable to see Captain Superman America as an asshole. I wish the women stuck up for each other more but at least they have character arcs.

The comedians tonight are reruns, so I'm watching the second half of Aquaman just because I'm in the mood -- here the women stick up for each other but I wish they had character arcs. Here are some more photos from the Queens of Egypt exhibit at National Geographic:

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2019-08-18 15.16.26


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