Friday, October 18, 2019

Poem for Friday and Adventure Aquarium

Drifting Flowers of the Sea
By Sadakichi Hartmann

Across the dunes, in the waning light,
The rising moon pours her amber rays,
Through the slumbrous air of the dim, brown night
The pungent smell of the seaweed strays—
     From vast and trackless spaces
       Where wind and water meet,
         White flowers, that rise from the sleepless deep,
             Come drifting to my feet.
     They flutter the shore in a drowsy tune,
       Unfurl their bloom to the lightlorn sky,
         Allow a caress to the rising moon,
             Then fall to slumber, and fade, and die.

White flowers, a-bloom on the vagrant deep,
Like dreams of love, rising out of sleep,
You are the songs, I dreamt but never sung,
Pale hopes my thoughts alone have known,
Vain words ne’er uttered, though on the tongue,
That winds to the sibilant seas have blown.
      In you, I see the everlasting drift of years
        That will endure all sorrows, smiles and tears;
          For when the bell of time will ring the doom
            To all the follies of the human race,
               You still will rise in fugitive bloom
                  And garland the shores of ruined space.


Shutterfly sent me a coupon this morning for a free calendar and a free photo book, so there went my entire day -- now all the family calendars for 2020 have been ordered, since the rest were 50% off with free shipping, so that's one big holiday task out of the way before November. But I didn't get a lot else done! Pokemon Go's Halloween event started at 4 p.m., so I caught a few Pikachu in costume, a couple of Yamasks, and one Darkrai at a raid in the park, but that was the only time I got out all day.

It was an insane news day, between Brexit, Turkey, high crimes and misdemeanors in the White House, post-debate shenanigans, and the local death of Elijah Cummings, so I tried to catch up on that before dinner. We watched the last two episodes of Succession for this season, in which Shiv discovers that she has a heart, Roman discovers that he has courage, and Kendall discovers that he has a brain...does that make Logan the wizard? Here are Paul and myself being adults at Adventure Aquarium:

2019-10-14 11.00.33

2019-10-14 11.01.00

2019-10-14 13.24.03

2019-10-14 13.28.04

2019-10-14 11.44.47


2019-10-14 13.40.40

2019-10-14 11.39.24

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