Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Poem for Tuesday and Cabin John Frogs

Frog in Pond
By Alfred H. Marks
Based on the haiku by Matsuo Basho

There once was a curious frog
Who sat by a pond on a log
And, to see what resulted,
In the pond catapulted
With a water-noise heard round the bog.


Monday was not eventful here, nice and cool, a bit of rain though not at any point when I was out, perfect day for a walk in the park where I did a couple of raids with GroupMe friends and saw a trio of frogs in the little tadpole pond behind Locust Grove Nature Center:

2019-10-07 17.08.36

2019-10-07 16.38.05

2019-10-07 16.36.55

2019-10-07 16.55.35

2019-10-07 17.08.55

2019-10-07 17.09.49


We watched most of the Nationals' victory (a must-win game that my dad was at) with breaks for the season premiere of Black Lightning, whose mythology has gotten a lot more complicated since last season (are they part of the Crisis on Infinite Earths?). So go Nats!

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