Saturday, December 07, 2019

Poem for Saturday and Brookside Holidays

By Amy Lowell

I cut myself upon the thought of you
And yet I come back to it again and again,
A kind of fury makes me want to draw you out
From the dimness of the present
And set you sharply above me in a wheel of roses.
Then, going obviously to inhale their fragrance,
I touch the blade of you and cling upon it,
And only when the blood runs out across my fingers
Am I at all satisfied.


Friday was World Market's free ornament day for members, so of course I had to go there, though sadly they did not have glass seahorses and beaded jellyfish this year so I got a flamingo snow globe instead. (I also got a couple of gifts, and I don't want to give anything away but all tea and tea sets are 30% off at the moment.) That shopping center parking lot was as much of a zoo as the Aldi-Michael's-BB&B parking lot yesterday, so I ended up not waiting in the long lines at Trader Joe's for hummus since I knew we were eating out a lot this weekend anyway.

After one of those meals out, dinner with my parents (Asian chick'n for me, yay), we came home for the new episode of The Mandalorian, which has fantastic fan service, settings that made me very happy, and lots of adorableness, though it's quite a violent installment. Then we watched the first couple of episodes of the new season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which my father had warned me at dinner that he didn't like, but except for some annoying stuff with her parents, I did. Here are some photos of Brookside Gardens getting ready for the holiday season:


2019-11-29 15.55.41


2019-11-29 15.53.15





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