Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Poem for Wednesday and Neighborhood Flowers

Picking Willow
By Li T'ai-Po
Translated by Florence Ayscough and Amy Lowell

The drooping willow brushes the very clear water,
Beautifully it flickers in this East-wind time of the year.
Its flowers are bright as the snow of the Jade Pass,
Its leaves soft as smoke against the gold window.
She, the Lovely One, bound in her long thoughts;
Facing them, her heart is burnt with grief.
Pull down a branch,
Gather the Spring colour,
And send it far,
Even to that place
Before the Dragon Gate.


On Tuesday I started doing a little project to rearrange things near my desk, so I can reach my flatbed scanner more easily for another project involving scanning photos, and it turned into a half-day thing that required moving stuff down to the basement and shuffling books. It rained most of the day again, and very little else got accomplished, though I did take a walk when it was only a bit drizzly and though it's not even mid-February, the warm wet weather meant lots of early flowers!

2020-02-11 14.06.28

2020-02-11 13.26.04

2020-02-11 14.01.34

2020-02-11 14.00.36

2020-02-11 14.07.03

2020-02-11 14.04.53

2020-02-05 16.53.48

We watched The Flash, in which I was so excited that Iris was finally getting a life not totally focused on Barry until they reminded us it was Mirror!Iris so arrrgh despite great hilarious musical cues, then Legends of Tomorrow, a little too horror-movie storywise for me but I always appreciate the characters. We watched the first episode of For Life, which was somewhat better acted than scripted but still well worth watching. And we Skyped Daniel in Seattle about his new work team!

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