Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Poem for Tuesday and Brookside Spring

In the Same Space
By C.P. Cavafy
Translated by Edmund Keeley

The setting of houses, cafés, the neighborhood
that I've seen and walked through years on end:

I created you while I was happy, while I was sad,
with so many incidents, so many details.

And, for me, the whole of you has been transformed into feeling.


It was over 70 degrees on Monday and spring continued to blossom in the neighborhood, making it a perfect day to visit the park. It was also my mother's birthday, so we went to Trapezaria for dinner with my parents, where I ate much too much fava, tyrokafteri, and saganaki, plus we all shared salad and dessert. The restaurant was almost empty because of the plague.

In the evening after we got home, we watched The Aeronauts, which wasn't really what I was expecting but I enjoyed -- I wanted Amelia to be more an adventurer and less a woman trying to work past a loss, but it was beautifully filmed and well acted, and I love that sort of period piece ranging from carnivals to homes to academic halls. Spring at Brookside Gardens over the weekend:









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