Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lyrics for Saturday and McCrillis Flowers

Pilate's Dream
By Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber

I dreamed I met a Galilean,
A most amazing man,
He had that look you very rarely find,
The haunting, hunted kind.

I asked him to say what had happened,
How it all began?
I asked again, he never said a word,
As if he hadn't heard.

And next, the room was full
Of wild and angry men,
They seemed to hate this man.
They fell on him, and then disappeared again.

Then I saw thousands of millions
Crying for this man,
And then I heard them mentioning my name
And leaving me the blame.


My desktop was misbehaving again on Friday morning and it took literally all morning to get a couple of little things done (it seems like a problem with the touchscreen -- the cursor suddenly jumps all over the place -- but I have the touchscreen settings turned off and have replaced the mouse, so I am out of ideas how to fix it. Screaming doesn't seem to work, though smacking the mouse repeatedly makes the cursor stop jumping). So I only got a few things accomplished, though one was a long writing project and one was the laundry the cat kept thwarting by sitting on the clothes in the basket. No photos were scanned today!

It was chilly, but we took a walk to see the neighborhood flowers. Paul made Swedish rye bread and Swedish meatballs for dinner just because he was in the mood for them, he claims they never had it for Easter when he was growing up. We watched two musicals, first Pride and Prejudice on StreamingMusicals, which had a good cast but no songs that really grabbed me, then the 2012 arena version of Jesus Christ Superstar, which I loved as I love all productions of that show -- Tim Minchin intense and not afraid to scream! Here are some photos from when we could visit McCrillis Gardens:









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