Friday, July 17, 2020

Poem for Friday and Beach Memories

The Seagull
By Mary Howitt

Oh the white seagull, the wild seagull,
A joyful bird is he,
As he lies like a cradled thing at rest
In the arms of a sunny sea!
The little waves rock to and fro,
And the white gull lies asleep,
As the fisher's bark, with breeze and tide,
Goes merrily over the deep.
The ship, with her fair sails set, goes by,
And her people stand to note
How the seagull sits on the rocking waves
As if in an anchored boat.

The sea is fresh, the sea is fair,
And the sky calm overhead,
And the seagull lies on the deep, deep sea,
Like a king in his royal bed.
Oh the white seagull, the bold seagull,
A joyful bird is he,
Throned like a king, in calm repose
On the breast of the heaving sea!

The waves leap up, the wild wind blows,
And the gulls together crowd,
And wheel about, and madly scream
To the deep sea roaring loud;
And let the sea roar ever so loud,
And the winds pipe ever so high,
With a wilder joy the bold seagull
Sends forth a wilder cry—

For the seagull, he is a daring bird,
And he loves with the storm to sail;
To ride in the strength of the billowy sea,
And to breast the driving gale.
The little boat, she is tossed about,
Like a seaweed, to and fro;
The tall ship reels like a drunken man,
As the gusty tempests blow.

But the seagull laughs at the fear of man,
And sails in a wild delight
On the torn-up breast of the night-black sea,
Like a foam-cloud, calm and white.
The waves may rage and the winds may roar,
But he fears not wreck nor need;
For he rides the sea, in its stormy strength,
As a strong man rides his steed.

Oh the white seagull, the bold seagull,
He makes on the shore his nest,
And he tries what the inland fields may be,
But he loveth the sea the best!
And away from land, a thousand leagues
He goes 'mid surging foam—
What matter to him is land or shore,
For the sea is his truest home!


Most of my Thursday excitement took place online, since both local politics and DC football had stories blowing up. Plus I talked to my sister and we caught up on our kids and stuff. It was quite hot while I was out walking and is supposed to be miserably hot all weekend so I'm thinking of buying water guns since we can't go to the pool!

We watched the National Theatre Live production of Amadeus on YouTube, which I enjoyed though I thought Lucian Msamati's Salieri is a lot more complex and engaging than Adam Gillen's Mozart, who always seems to be screaming no matter what emotion he's playing. Karla Crome's Constanze is great though. Here are some Delaware beach photos:







2020-06-30 21.35.40

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