Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Greetings from Sandy Point State Park

Paul had Monday off -- his company said they were rewarding everyone for all their hard work, but we suspect the fact that it was Yom Kippur so some people were observing and more people had their kids off school locally. Rather than struggle to feel spiritual while watching some online service, I opted for going to the beach at Sandy Point State Park, which is on the Chesapeake in view of the Bay Bridge. There were as many seagulls as people, so it was easy to socially distance, and though it was a bit chilly for swimming, it was so relaxing to have my feet in the water and listen to the surf! 



2020-09-28 14.10.35

2020-09-28 13.25.00

2020-09-28 14.51.50

2020-09-28 15.24.00A

2020-09-28 15.27.09 

We came home in time to "break the fast" with my parents, which I put in quotation marks because none of us was fasting. My sister had sent them bagels and spreads and my mother made noodle kugel and brownies, so that was awesome. We came home to watch the Ravens game -- well, some of us wanted to watch the game and some of us did not care that much -- but they played terribly against Kansas City. Now watching evening infotainment because I know I can't stomach the debate tomorrow in real time and I wish I was laughing harder about Trump's tax lies but I'm mostly angry that I've paid so much more than he has!

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