Friday, December 18, 2020

Poem for Friday and Chanukah

Chanukah Cookies
By Ilene Bauer

I’m almost out of flour
And my sugar’s at the end.
I do not have sweet butter
On which I, of course, depend.

Since I’m not going into stores,
I’m ordering from sites
That quickly get depleted
From competing appetites.

Yet with my grandma’s recipe,
Each Chanukah I bake
The cookies I grew up on,
Long and tedious to make.

I scraped together just enough
To make a smallish batch.
Most years I mail some to my sibs
But that I had to scratch.

Yet still, I rolled the dough and watched
The shapes take form and brown.
On Chanukah, I couldn’t let
My kids and grandkids down.


We woke to a bit more snow on the ground on Thursday, though much of it melted over the course of the day -- everything in the sun, at least. Our shady backyard still had white on the ground. We all had work to do in the house, but Adam went for a walk with his longtime friend Daniel Wigle and we bumped into them as they were coming back while we were going out. Paul made latkes and chick'n in blueberry cider vinegar, which was awesome. 

Then we took Adam to get a COVID test in the hope that, when we get the results in 3-4 days, we can all be in the same room and not have to wear masks in the house. When we got home, we lit the candles for the last night of Chanukah, ate the last of the donuts, and watched the first half of Spider-Man 2, in which Tobey Maguire is even less appealing than I had remembered and my memories weren't great. We saw the end of the overtime Chargers-Raiders game, too. 

2020-12-17 20.55.39

2020-12-17 16.52.09

2020-12-17 16.15.28

2020-12-17 16.54.35

2020-12-17 18.48.21

2020-12-17 20.53.27

2020-12-17 20.55.28

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