Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Poem for Tuesday and Birthday Canal

Before the Rain
By Thomas Bailey Aldrich

We knew it would rain, for all the morn,
A spirit on slender ropes of mist
Was lowering its golden buckets down
Into the vapory amethyst

Of marshes and swamps and dismal fens—
Scooping the dew that lay in the flowers,
Dipping the jewels out of the sea,
To sprinkle them over the land in showers.

We knew it would rain, for the poplars showed
The white of their leaves, the amber grain
Shrunk in the wind— and the lightning now
Is tangled in tremulous skeins of rain! 


We had pouring rain all morning Monday into the afternoon, and all the menfolk in my house had work and phone conferences, so it was a quiet day. We all ended up taking a walk together in the late afternoon when it started to clear up, then we ordered California Tortilla for dinner -- they have tofu now, which is really well cooked and great with the honey lime sauce! 

Somehow Adam and I wound up talking about Spider-Man, so we watched the first half of the first Tobey Maguire one, then he went to do some projects and we watched the fantastic Ravens-Browns game, which was competitive all along and particularly enjoyable when Baltimore won! Some photos from the canal on my birthday, when the weather was much nicer than it was today: 







2020-12-11 16.19.40

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