Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Poem for Wednesday and Breezy Hill Farm

The Forest Formed Gills
By Eric Baus

The ventriloquist’s vines fled to an address on the floor of a 
cumulus pond. The forest formed gills. The tentacles muttered.  
Eat a bee. Try to project the tiniest star deep beneath this fence. 
The ravaged shadows repaired in the shade. The numb panorama 


I had a bunch of things I needed to get done on Tuesday, nearly all of which were sabotaged because the printer refused to print my holiday address labels properly even after we changed all the ink cartridges, ran the cleaning program, etc. So cards not addressed, laundry not folded, book review not done, blah blah blah. At least I took a walk. 

We ate CPK leftovers from Saturday for dinner, then I watched Voyager's "Heroes and Demons" with my fan group (the Beowulf-on-the-holodeck episode, more enjoyable than I had remembered), then the Ravens-Dallas game (34-17 Baltimore, more enjoyable than I had expected!). Breezy Hill Farm alpacas, sheep, chickens, dogs, and yarn creations: 

2020-12-05 15.13.05

2020-12-05 15.02.35

2020-12-05 15.04.59

2020-12-05 15.09.29

2020-12-05 15.12.49

2020-12-05 15.11.43

2020-12-05 15.00.57

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