Saturday, January 23, 2021

Greetings from the Canal

Our Friday was about as quiet as our Thursday, which was fine -- we had a slightly unnerving evening the day before when many ambulances and police cars arrived at a neighbor's house, and we feared the plague, though it turned out not to be coronavirus. So I slept a bit late and didn't get everything done that I wanted, though I am at last caught up on email and bills from before the inauguration. It was a gorgeous day for a walk and again we saw several woodpeckers, plus we were visited by cardinals. 

We had veggie sausages for dinner, then watched WandaVision, which remains wonderful -- by turns funny and sad, very clever evoking different ages of television, very well acted, lots of hints of connection to the MCU but playing its hand very slowly. Afterward, we watched Outside the Wire, in which Anthony Mackie and the cast are good but there is an insane amount of violence, close up torture, and a script with a few too many predictable elements. Here are the ducks in the canal last weekend: 

2021-01-18 14.52.26

2021-01-18 14.57.26

2021-01-18 15.04.01

2021-01-18 15.09.10

2021-01-18 15.13.04

2021-01-18 14.57.15

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