Thursday, January 28, 2021

Poem for Thursday and Meadowlark Winter Gardens

By Fady Joudah

Thank you for dreaming of me
for letting me know
for waking up to remember that you dreamed

I never wake up when I dream of you
What woke you up
was it someone
else’s body?

A small thrill a little secret is ours
a desire for safe travel
in unspilled blood


I had a quiet Wednesday morning reading news and articles for Holocaust Remembrance Day, then I talked on Zoom with two of my high school friends -- the one who lost her father last week was there and in pretty good spirits considering everything, the one who's a pediatrician not there because she was taking her 90+ year old father to get his vaccine. It was chilly but not really cold out, and we saw two bunnies when we walked. 

We had apricot, fig, and faux beef tagine for dinner for Tu B'shvat before The Masked Dancer, which is much harder for me to guess at than The Masked Singer but still mindless fun. Then we watched the rest of the current season of Fate: The Winx Saga, whose cartoon original I never saw, which I watched with my brain turned off even more, and on that level it's passable Mary Sue fic! Some more of the Meadowlark Gardens' Winter Walk of Lights: 







2021-01-18 18.10.17

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