Sunday, March 28, 2021

Greetings for Pesach

Happy Passover! This is a quick entry while watching the end of SNL after a busy day: morning chores, early lunch, drive to Mount Vernon to see the new lambs (plus lots of flowers in the upper gardens, skinks in the woods, and actors playing various Washington-era residents talking about life there). We hit traffic on the way home and discovered that it was from people in the various parks along the Potomac, looking at the cherry blossoms from there since the Tidal Basin streets are closed to traffic for social distancing. 

We went to my parents' for the first night of Passover and a very informal seder, though I'm not sure it was less organized than last year's, when we had more people on Zoom. We talked at various points in the evening on Google Meet with my kids, my sister and one of my nieces, and we ate lots of great food made by my mother (charoset, matzoh ball soup, carrot souffle, real and fake chicken, various desserts). When we came home, we watched a bit of basketball plus the season two finale of Ghosts. More downtown photos later! 

2021-03-27 13.50.07


2021-03-27 17.35.07

2021-03-27 17.38.03

2021-03-27 17.49.40

2021-03-27 18.20.01

2021-03-27 19.45.53

2021-03-27 20.31.08C

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