Monday, April 26, 2021

Greetings from Glenstone

Cinnamon woke up demanding food and complaining when Katniss got in her face, so although she's still a cranky 20-year-old with arthritis, we think whatever was going on with her the other night was caused by food or something. She is seeing the vet on Thursday so we may know more then, but she doesn't seem to be particularly uncomfortable or unhappy and she's angry when someone tries to steal her treats, so that's all good. 

In all the distraction, I forgot that we had tickets for the Glenstone Museum on Sunday, and we can't get tickets for May or June so we figured we'd go see the Faith Ringgold exhibit, which is superb, a retrospective of her career that includes protest art, storytelling quilts, and a full set of the abstract art she produced after her mother's death. We also saw a heron, a wild turkey, a turtle, a snake, and lots of birds. 

2021-04-25 16.05.50

2021-04-25 14.16.05


2021-04-25 16.01.30


2021-04-25 15.12.29A


We came home so I could snuggle Cinnamon while watching the low-key Academy Awards pre-show, then the Oscars, which were a letdown in every way except Daniel Kaluuya and Chloe Zhao's wins and Yuh-Jung Youn's speech. I really missed the clips of the short films (I don't need to know about the filmmakers' childhoods, I need to know if I want to see their movies) and the Oscar tunes bit was so contrived it was embarrassing. 

The In Memoriam in a year of so many losses seemed rushed in a show that didn't rush excessively long speeches, and I'm mystified by the decision to announce Best Picture (at least it wasn't Promising Young Woman, but I haven't seen Nomadland) before Best Actor and Actress. I thought they might be saving Chadwick Boseman for an emotional evening end, but they gave both those awards to famous white actors who've won before, urgh. 


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