Monday, May 10, 2021

Greetings from Gaithersburg

Paul made me eggs and "bacon" for Mother's Day brunch, then we went to Lake Whetstone to see the goslings before they turn into geese. It was a lovely cool afternoon and we saw turtles, ducks, herons, cormorants, and other birds in and around the water. Then we stopped at Washingtonian Lake to see the goslings there -- most already looking like dinosaur adolescents -- before we came home to get organized for dinner with my parents (we brought Thai and Paul made pistachio dream cake for dessert). 

When we came home, we Skyped with my kids, parents, and Paul's parents, plus our granddog with occasional traipse-through visits from the cats. Then we watched The Pythons (Somewhere in Tunisia Circa AD 1979) whose existence I discovered via a throwaway comment, which was very enjoyable though it's hard to remember John Cleese when he was genuinely funny and not ranting about how cancel culture is ruining comedy. And (speaking of people not successfully canceled) we watched the new episode of The Nevers, which was great. 

2021-05-09 15.30.08

2021-05-09 15.27.07

2021-05-09 15.17.03


2021-05-09 20.45.07

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