Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Poem for Tuesday and National Zoo Cats

The Tiger
By Nael

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out


Monday was in almost every way a Monday -- laundry, weeding, cleaning up after a cat whose breakfast did not agree with her, getting Capital One to straighten out my online account nonsense (I had to tell a PERSON to text my phone to prove it was my phone, apparently). We had a family Zoom scheduled with my west coast cousins, but my sister was traveling and one of my cousins was busy getting her son ready for camp, so it was shorter than usual. Afterward, we took a walk to enjoy the neighborhood before the rain. 

We watched the first episode of The Republic of Sarah, which I liked a lot -- the premise is idealistic, it has lots of women trying to fix their homes, and the pace is surprisingly up-tempo. Then we watched the rest of the season of Lupin, which was very satisfying, though I think both Juliette and Claire deserved a bit more development if not a resolution for the former since I'm guessing that with her father's storyline wrapped up, she may not be back. From the National Zoo, lions and tigers and cheetahs and fishing cats: 








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