Sunday, July 04, 2021

Greetings from Brookside

Saturday morning we woke to gorgeous weather in the high 60s. We did a bunch of chores in the house in the morning, I caught some shiny Tepigs for Pokemon Go Community Day, then we ate lunch and went to Brookside Gardens for a couple of hours. Lots of wildflowers are in bloom, though the conservatory displays are sparse after the buildings were closed to volunteers for a year, and there are many, many frogs and turtles including at least three enormous snappers. We also saw a wedding, an engagement, the Facets of Hope crystal display honoring county residents lost to Covid, and a new exhibit, Pyramids 2021, displaying the diversity of Montgomery County. 








We came home for chick'n nuggets and to snuggle our cats and watch Ophelia, which I really wasn't expecting to be very good and liked better than I thought I would. I found it extremely distracting to hear Hamlet's soliloquies in contemporary English -- "to thine own self be true" is just as understandable as "be true to yourself" and sounds much lovelier -- and "go to the nunnery" loses all layers of meaning here. But I liked the twists, I appreciate how a not-mad Ophelia improved all sorts of aspects of the story, and I've never understood why Laertes wasn't suspicious how Gertrude knew so many details about his sister's death yet didn't try to save her, which is addressed here.

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