Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Poem for Tuesday and Nationals Park

Grand Slam
By Marjorie Maddox

Dreams brimming over,
childhood stretched out in legs,
this is the moment replayed on winter days
when frost covers the field,
when age steals away wishes.
Glorious sleep that seeps back there
to the glory of our baseball days.


My Monday was fairly quiet and uneventful. The biggest excitement was going out to get bagels for the week. It was a weird mail day; younger son got a jury duty summons even though he hasn't lived in the state for two years, and I discovered that I accidentally ordered a green belt attachment for a black belt when I'd intended to order a matching one. The weather, at least, was beautiful after all the heat last week, and there were bunnies out when we walked. 

We watched The Republic of Sarah and Titans - I love the former, still overly idealistic and that is fine with me, while the latter is yet another DC all-darkness-and-violence drama that really isn't doing a thing for me. We only looked at the Nationals game before and after, which I guess was a good choice because the Nats beat the Marlins 18-1! They play better when I look away, on which subject, some stadium fun photos from the game on Sunday:

2021-07-18 16.22.07B

2021-07-18 13.12.11A

2021-07-18 12.34.51

2021-07-18 13.11.57

2021-07-18 12.34.12

2021-07-18 16.22.46A

2021-07-18 12.34.01

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