Friday, August 20, 2021

Poem for Friday and Glenstone Greenery

Sea Garden
By Rosamond S. King

Dead man’s fingers—
short and still
or waving spindles
brain coral,
mountain coral
ground small—they
would be pebbles
if they weren’t shards
hiding places
for trumpet
fish and crabs
live and dead coral
What is sand made of?
Who is to know
which is coral
and which
is bone
From the surface you
can see dark
patches where sea grass
and spirit hair grow


I spent quite a bit of Thursday working on a project for an online goddess group I'm in, which involved a bunch of reading, a little research, and a lot of printing, cutting, and gluing things, which was surprisingly relaxing and I must remember to do it more often. It was otherwise a pretty quiet day, still hot and so humid that we have had huge mushrooms pop up around the neighborhood. 

I had my usual Thursday evening fannish chat group on Zoom during which we discussed old movies, so all I watched on TV was baseball (the Orioles had already lost to the Rays and the Yankees beat the Twins, so it was not successful for anyone I was rooting for). Some of the natural glory of Glenstone (squint diagonal to the right of the skink and you can see a blurry hummingbird in the first photo): 








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