Sunday, October 17, 2021

Greetings from Emmitsburg and Hanover

We spent most of Saturday either en route to or at Paul's parents' house. Rain was forecast for the afternoon, so on the way up, we stopped at Emmitsburg's Grotto of Lourdes, which is a beautiful place to walk around in the fall. We ordered lunch from the Firepit Rotisserie and Grill while at the visitor center and picked it up when we got to Hanover, then we ate it and Skyped our kids and my parents with my in-laws. 

It was a good afternoon for Paul's father, since the Red Sox were winning when we left and they beat the Astros easily, but we just finished watching the awfulness that was the Dodgers' ninth inning against the Braves (and if it's a Braves-Astros World Series, I will refuse to watch based on Atlanta fans most of all). Here are some pictures from the grotto (a frog in the shrine's spring!) and from visiting in Hanover: 

2021-10-16 12.10.14

2021-10-16 12.24.19


2021-10-16 12.24.04

2021-10-16 13.19.25

2021-10-16 13.19.10

2021-10-16 16.22.54

2021-10-16 17.14.11

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