Friday, October 29, 2021

Poem for Friday and Glenstone Autumn

Whim Wood
By Katherine Towers

into the coppery halls
of beech and intricate oak
to be close to the trees
as they whisper together
let fall their leaves,
and we die for the winter


I said yesterday that I finished my scanning project, but it turned out that I was wrong. Texas A&M's library not only wants the Now Voyager newsletters for their zine collection, they want the fan club correspondence as well, and it took me all day to sort the four boxes of that sitting in the basement for the past 20 years to remove the entirely personal, the entirely trivial ("Here's my check and address"), and things like holiday cards and the postcard exchange. I scanned a lot of letters from people who are now my good friends, and it was a fun nostalgia trip. 

Paul left (faux) beef and sweet potato stew in the slow cooker all day, so after a walk, we ate that for dinner. Then I packed up the rest of the correspondence, realized I should ask about convention photos and wrote to the Texas A&M librarian, and watched the beginning of the Green Bay-Arizona game before turning off the sound for my Thursday night fannish Zoom chat, though only three of us could come this week. The end of the Packers game was very enjoyable! Here are some photos from Glenstone last weekend, including a grasshopper and lots of changing leaves: 

2021-10-24 14.35.34

2021-10-24 14.34.22

2021-10-24 16.05.58

2021-10-24 15.56.59A

2021-10-24 15.07.17

2021-10-24 15.17.11A

2021-10-24 16.25.10

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