Sunday, December 26, 2021

Greetings for Kwanzaa

Quickie after a Christmas Day that has been exhausting though not entirely in the ways I was expecting. We had plans to go to Paul's parents for lunch, but we both woke up with upset stomachs and decided it was really not a good idea to go. We spent an hour discovering that absolutely no one had Covid rapid tests in stock and none of the testing sites was open on Christmas except at hospitals (where we figured we'd catch it if we didn't have it already), then my mother told us she had a couple of tests so we picked them up from her. Good news: not Covid! 

But we still had a lot of driving to do. We took a walk (ran into Adam's good friend's family en route), ate peanut butter toast, and drove to Dulles to pick up Daniel's girlfriend, then drove to BWI to pick up Daniel himself -- lots of flight rerouting and a layover not on the original itinerary, but they both took off and landed despite the airport staffing crisis, so that's more good news! We had food from Dunkin' while waiting for him to land, then drove them to their hotel downtown. Now we're sleepily watching Station Eleven. BWI, Dulles, the park, and downtown: 

2021-12-25 20.24.42

2021-12-25 19.36.35

2021-12-25 19.36.24

2021-12-25 19.37.58A

2021-12-25 17.50.26

2021-12-25 15.39.50

2021-12-25 21.32.04

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