Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Greetings from Black Hill Regional Park

Monday was quite cold, but the snow had stopped and the warmer overnight temperatures meant not much accumulation on roads. So after some morning chores and some lunch, we decided to spend MLK Day at Black Hill Regional Park. The trails by the water weren't clear but the roads were, so we walked around the nature center, where songbirds and woodpeckers were taking turns at the feeders, then along the road to the dog park, after which we drove over to the boat launch, where there was one lone kayak but many hooded mergansers plus some mallards in the parts of Little Seneca Lake that weren't frozen. 




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We stopped at both Trader Joe's and Giant for supplies for the coming week -- there was more fresh produce this week, though the dairy cases are still pretty empty -- plus I went into Hobby Works to use my birthday coupon for glow-in-the-dark dice. We had soup and cheese for dinner since we had fresh bread to have it with, then we watched the rest of Station Eleven, which I really liked, including most of the changes from the book, though there were two that bothered me because it shifted agency from several characters to a single character and I thought that undercut the sense of interconnectedness.

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