Sunday, February 27, 2022

Greetings from Johto

Quickie, I spent most of Saturday playing Pokemon Go for Johto Fest, first at home with my cats assisting, then at the playground and ice rink side of Cabin John Park, then at the Columbia Island Marina and Johnson Grove near the Pentagon, then at the nature center and indoor tennis court side of Cabin John Park, and then at home again while cleaning up and sorting photos and stuff. It was a gorgeous day, cool but not cold, and there were lots of crocuses at the park and geese in the river: 


2022-02-26 13.37.36

2022-02-26 15.23.51


2022-02-26 15.24.10 

Evening has involved some of the second season of Young Wallander, which is gripping -- seems more tightly written than the first season -- but also upsetting. And now we're watching SNL, which in a rare switch has a much better second half than first; the Mulaney musical numbers always make up for a lot, and any time Kate McKinnon is singing from Les Mis, it's a good thing, plus there have been piles of guest appearances for Mulaney's fifth time hosting. The news is still so horrific as to be unbearable.


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