Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Greetings from Rock Creek Park

Paul had Monday off for Presidents' Day, so we slept late, had hoecakes with honey for brunch because he read that was what George Washington liked, and went to Meadowside Nature Center. The building itself is closed for renovations, but the raptors are outside in their rehab cages, the cabin and bee hotel have their signs for visitors, and Rock Creek Park is waking up for the season -- chipmunks, songbirds, ducks, geese, vultures, even water skeeters. 





2022-02-21 15.03.06

2022-02-21 14.23.49


We stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home, but although we got fruit, nuts, vegan frozen pizza, chocolate covered blueberries, and other necessities, but they were completely out of Mediterranean hummus, which made me very sad. After dinner we watched this week's The Gilded Age, which has the good Red Cross storyline and the aggravating women-undercutting-women storyline, then Snowpiercer, which I liked until two things turned too predictable though it was a great Daveed episode. 


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