Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Poem for Tuesday and Icy Falls

Corinthians 13:11
By Jennifer Martelli

I follow Marcia Brady on Twitter: Mo McCormick, Actor/Author.

She posts a video with her older brother and they dance, a fast waltz,

under an oak tree with dozens of hanging pastel paper parasols.

She holds his hands, looks up into his face: he watches her feet.

I wish we were friends. I’d call her, Mo, too, one syllable, low:

prayerful, bovine. Mo asks her brother, do you have a girlfriend yet?

She leads, spins him around: I love her in a way I couldn’t back then.

As a child, I loved the middle girl, Jan, the jealous one, Eve Plumb,

Bible spondee fruit, with a TV J-name, and that blue crochet vest.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child.

When I was a child, I’d see Mo’s face on my tin lunchbox, but now I see

her freckles mirrored a small star cluster visible on clear nights—

Constellation of Bejewelled Silver Studs on Soft Velvet Bell Bottoms.

Constellation of Kindness. Constellation of Purple Devotion.


My Monday wasn't exciting apart from repairing a bracelet I broke -- laundry, photo uploads, scanning a big chunk of the photos we brought back from my in-laws (their baby books but mostly modern era, lots of kids' school photos, church family photos, and some vacations). We're in what passes for a heat wave this winter, so we took a nice walk on the woods path in the mostly-melted snow. 

We watched this week's Snowpiercer, in which Sean Bean was delightfully unhinged but I want Jennifer Connelly back, then we watched Celebrating Betty White: America's Golden Girl, which was a nice way to start the week since everything connected to her from her humor to her animal activism is a joy. Some winter scenes from Great Falls, including people "skating" on the canal: 








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