Sunday, March 27, 2022

Greetings from Hanover

Extreme quickie, we're bingeing the second season of Bridgerton, which, despite the absence of the Duke, I'm enjoying more than the first -- the young women have more agency and seem less naive, and Golda Rosheuvel and Polly Walker are just insanely hot and fun. 

We spent most of the day in Hanover for Paul's birthday with his parents, with a couple of Skype calls to relatives, but most of the excitement came traveling to and from there looking at cherry blossoms but driving through snow -- which fell both going and coming! 

Here is one pic of birthday cake with Clair and Cinda and views out the car windows of the wild weather -- happy cows, sunbursts, heavy clouds, snowbursts, then the return of the sun and a stop in Rockville to see cherry blossoms right off I-270 on the way home! 

2022-03-26 16.39.39

2022-03-26 15.03.38

2022-03-26 16.53.04

2022-03-26 16.58.06

2022-03-26 16.58.27

2022-03-26 17.29.54

2022-03-26 17.47.26

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