Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Poem for Tuesday and Saturday's Snow

Spring Snow
By Jane Kenyon

A thoughtful snow comes falling . . .
seems to hang in the air before
concluding that it must fall
here. Huge aggregate flakes

alight on the muddy ruts
of March, and the standing
water that thaws by day
and freezes again by night.

Venus is content to shine unseen
this evening, having risen serene
above springs, and false springs.
But I, restless after supper, pace

the long porch while the snow falls,
dodging the clothesline I won’t
use until peonies send up red,
plump, irrepressible spears.


All our remaining snow melted on Monday because it was 60 degrees! Which I must admit that both my daffodils and I appreciated. I mostly did work and laundry, so it wasn't a very exciting day, but we did take a lovely afternoon walk and were glad to see that the snowdrops and crocuses survived the snow even if a lot of the plum blossoms have fallen into the grass. 

We watched the second part of The Burren: Heart of Stone, which is excellent, then we watched this week's Snowpiercer, which needs more Sean Bean even if he's evil and really needs Jennifer Connelly back. The Endgame is completely unrealistic but hey, it has two women who kick ass so my standards are low. Since it's supposed to be gorgeous tomorrow, here's Saturday's snow: 



2022-03-12 16.49.33



2022-03-12 16.12.25


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