Saturday, April 16, 2022

Greetings for Passover-Easter Weekend

Paul had Friday off, so since it was a gorgeous day, we went to Brookside Gardens, whose tulip displays are in full bloom and whose azaleas are starting to blossom. There were also lots of turtles and several frogs, though I'm pissed off at the park because there was a frog that was stuck in a fountain -- it was clinging to a floating piece of plastic and couldn't jump over the side -- and when I asked the woman at the info desk whether they had a net to get the frog out, she said it was the park policy to let nature take its course, though I don't see how a fountain with no ramp to let frogs or ducklings escape is natural. I tried propping up a big stick so it could get out and hopefully no child knocked it down before the frog escaped. 

We came home, I took a shower, then we went to my parents for the first night of Passover. The fox who visits their neighbor to steal snacks at their bird feeder was out front when we arrived and there were deer down the street. We had a short seder with a great deal of wonderful food and we Skyped with our kids. Then we came home, I went to photograph the nearly-full moon, and I bumped into my neighbor whom I haven't seen in ages so we talked for a while before I went inside for our annual Easter Week viewing of Jesus Christ Superstar, especially poignant on Good Friday -- obviously Prince of Egypt and Life of Brian are the other necessary films this weekend. I will post the garden and fox pics later in the week, here is the seder: 

2022-04-15 17.46.14

2022-04-15 20.02.12A

2022-04-15 18.21.26

2022-04-15 18.21.28

2022-04-15 20.41.02

2022-04-15 passover skype b

2022-04-15 20.02.39

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