Thursday, April 28, 2022

Poem for Thursday and Dancing Leaf Farm

The Prairie Town
By Helen Santmyer

Lovers of beauty laugh at this grey town,
    Where dust lies thick on ragged curb-side trees,
And compass-needle streets lead up and down
    And lose themselves in empty prairie seas.

Here is no winding scented lane, no hill
    Crowned with a steepled church, no garden wall
Of old grey stone where lilacs bloom, and fill
    The air with fragrance when the May rains fall.

But here is the unsoftened majesty
    vOf the wide earth where all the wide streets end,
And from the dusty corner one may see
    The full moon rise, and flaming sun descend.

The long main street, whence farmers’ teams go forth,
Lies like an old sea road, star-pointed north.


On Wednesday morning we successfully got the car emissions checked! The county inspection station web site said the wait was eleven minutes and it was actually closer to half an hour, but the car is cleared to drive till 2024, so that's finished, at least. It's always good news when there's leftover labneh and soup for lunch, too, and then I had a nice long chat with my three high school friends -- two of us are dealing with senior family members with covid but everyone's kids are good, and Kay and I had lots of entertainment amusement to catch up on. 

I did some work and some jewelry repair in the late afternoon. It was cool for April but beautiful to take a walk among all the azaleas in bloom. We watched this week's episode of The Flash, so boring I couldn't pass a quiz about it, then this week's Moon Knight, which was extremely intense and upsetting -- I had no idea Marc Spector was Jewish in the comics so that was a nice surprise too and I hope it will factor into his story more, since let us just say he appears to have issues with his parents. Here are some more photos of beautiful Dancing Leaf Farm: 

2022-04-24 16.45.00

2022-04-24 16.39.59

2022-04-24 16.35.31

2022-04-24 16.35.38

2022-04-24 16.42.48A

2022-04-24 16.44.45

2022-04-24 16.45.25

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