Thursday, April 07, 2022

Poem for Thursday and Frying Pan Farm Animals

From 'A Legend of Provence'
By Adelaide Anne Procter

In the far south, where clustering vines are hung;
Where first the old chivalric lays were sung;
Where earliest smiled that gracious child of France,
Angel and knight and fairy, called Romance,
I stood one day. The warm blue June was spread
Upon the earth; blue summer overhead,
Without a cloud to fleck its radiant glare,
Without a breath to stir its sultry air.
All still, all silent, save the sobbing rush
Of rippling waves, that lapsed in silver hush
Upon the beach; where, glittering towards the strand
The purple Mediterranean kissed the land.

All still, all peaceful; when a convent chime
Broke on the mid-day silence for a time,
Then trembling into quiet, seemed to cease,
In deeper silence and more utter peace.
So as I turned to gaze, where gleaming white,
Half hid by shadowy trees from passers' sight,
The Convent lay, one who had dwelt for long
In that fair home of ancient tale and song,
Who knew the story of each cave and hill,
And every haunting fancy lingering still
Within the land, spake thus to me, and told
The Convent's treasured Legend, quaint and old.


Wednesday was fairly quiet here -- I was trying to sort some things that I thought would only take half an hour but ended up taking all morning, then I talked to two of my high school friends on Zoom, then we took a walk because the drizzle had stopped. I had a bunch to get done before dinner, but I got another fantastic package from Holly Sierra with one thing that I had ordered and many surprises that were magnificent -- will take photos tomorrow! 

We watched the new episode of Moon Knight, which I'm still enjoying; I still know nothing about the comics so I'm just taking it for what it is, and what it is now involves a very enjoyable performance by Oscar Isaac and references to Egyptian mythology. Then we watched the first episode of Murder in Provence, which is quite good, nicely filmed and it's nice to see Roger Allam enjoying himself! Mostly baby animals at Frying Pan Farm Park last weekend: 


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2022-04-03 14.54.25

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