Monday, May 09, 2022

Greetings for Mother's Day

Hope everyone celebrating had a happy Mother's Day! Since I won't see my kids for a few weeks, mine was pretty low-key. Paul made us eggs benedict for brunch, then we went to Great Falls to see the Potomac River near flood stage after all the rain last week. It wasn't quite at 10 feet when we arrived, though the Billy Goat Trail and Olmstead Island overlook had been closed, so we walked along the towpath from the dam by the tavern toward C&O Canal Lock 14. We saw geese with goslings, herons, a fishing osprey, vultures, turtles, deer, and lots of other birds. 

Then we came home, cleaned up, and picked up dinner at the Cheesecake Factory to bring to my parents (including two kinds of cheesecake, of course). We came back here because it's usually easier to see and hear on Skype if we get our kids on with my parents, then add Paul's parents, but half of the U.S. must have been Skyping for Mother's Day because the video lagged a lot and younger son, who was the first one on the call, got us into Together mode with background graphics and couldn't get us out. Later we watched Ridley Road and the first couple of episodes of Hacks

2022-05-08 paul mothers day 2

2022-05-08 paul mothers day 1

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2022-05-08 19.24.09

2022-05-08 19.19.45A




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