Monday, May 16, 2022

Greetings from the Canal

We had scattered showers forecast for Sunday, particularly in the afternoon, so we got up reasonably early for a weekend, ate peanut butter sandwiches with yogurt, and went to the C&O Canal before any rain rolled in. It was warm and sticky but very pretty by the water, still high in the river from the rain last week, and apparently snapping turtles like this weather because we saw at least twenty, mostly small ones. We also saw a water snake and many other turtles, plus a couple of skinks, though only a few frogs and no ducks -- maybe they were hiding from the snapping turtles. 



2022-05-15 14.23.44B



2022-05-15 14.17.52 

We had a rather disastrous veggie chicken mole for dinner (the problem was the bottled mole sauce, not the veggie chicken), then we watched the penultimate episode of Ridley Road, at which point one of our kids messaged to say that he had a sore throat a day after hanging out with friends and it turned out someone in the group had a positive covid test, so he took a test as well and guess what. At least it's this week and not right before we're going to visit. Hopefully the symptoms stay mild. We tried to see the eclipse, but it was too cloudy, though we never got the predicted storms. 


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