Monday, May 02, 2022

Greetings from McCrillis Garden and Garrett Park

After a beautiful Saturday, we had rain most of Sunday -- by the time we had finished doing chores and having lunch, it was coming down hard. So we went to see azaleas around the neighborhood of Garrett Park, which were very shiny in the rain, then we went to McCrillis Garden in Bethesda, where there were many other flowers blooming as well. On the way home, we stopped at Giant for groceries, and by the time we arrived, the rain had mostly stopped. The bluebird in our bird house was very busy going in and out, so maybe there is a baby inside. 

2022-05-01 14.39.37

2022-05-01 15.00.06

2022-05-01 14.43.10

2022-05-01 14.57.52

2022-05-01 14.47.30

2022-05-01 14.42.55

2022-05-01 14.39.54 

We watched the Nationals try very hard to blow an eight-run lead, then for dinner we had barley stew that Paul had left in the slow cooker all day. Then we watched the first episode of Ridley Road, which I thought was very interesting -- I don't know a lot about Jewish life in the U.K. in that era -- and caught up on two episodes of Kung Fu. And we talked to our kids: Daniel was just back from a birthday party for Cahaya's dog Theo, with doggie cake and party hats, while Katherine just had her wisdom teeth out so she was resting with Pepper when we talked to Adam.


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