Sunday, June 12, 2022

Poem for Sunday and Pennsylvania Visit

The Duck
By Ogden Nash

Behold the duck.
It does not cluck.
A cluck it lacks.
It quacks.
It is specially fond
Of a puddle or pond.
When it dines or sups,
It bottoms ups.


We had a quiet Saturday morning reading the paper and doing chores, then we ate lunch and drove to Hanover to see Paul's parents, since we missed Mother's Day and their anniversary and they're doing a church thing on Father's Day. We took a walk around the courtyard of their complex and were delighted to discover two families of ducklings, and we Skyped briefly with younger son since he had to miss the family call on Thursday because of work. Plus we ate fudge! 

2022-06-11 15.17.09

2022-06-11 14.09.16

2022-06-11 15.23.49

2022-06-11 16.21.10

2022-06-11 16.19.15

2022-06-11 15.09.40

2022-06-11 15.07.55 

On the way home, we stopped at Kohl's to pick up items we had ordered online, then we came home, took a walk, and had fake barbecue chicken for dinner. Now we're watching Captain America: Civil War (shut up, we can watch it as many times as we want) after an earlier evening viewing of Reign of Fire because I was in the mood to watch Christian Bale and Gerard Butler act out The Empire Strikes Back for a bunch of post-apocalyptic kids hiding from dragons. 


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