Monday, July 04, 2022

Greetings from the Maryland Zoo

We still have a few weeks on our Maryland Zoo membership, so we figured we would go there on Sunday to see the penguins now that they're back on display -- the African and North American aviaries are still closed because of bird flu concerns -- and the animatronic Dinosaurs exhibit in the Maryland Wilderness woods, plus the zoo just got 150 new bats for their bat-cave. It was quite warm, but we spent a lot of time in habitats surrounded by trees, ate lunch at a covered picnic table, and hung out around the huge penguin pool. I took lots of animal photos but here are my favorites of us and the dinosaurs!

2022-07-03 13.00.02

2022-07-03 13.02.36

2022-07-03 12.59.01

2022-07-03 12.56.08

2022-07-03 12.55.43

2022-07-03 13.07.43

2022-07-03 13.06.27 

We had leftovers for dinner, cleaned up after cats, then we watched this week's episode of Endeavour, apparently the season finale though they left a big storyline regarding Thursday unresolved (and I'm really worried what they're going to do next season to explain why Morse never talked about Thursday in the earlier sequel series). Then we watched this week's Westworld, which has been great so far this season, closer to what used to be the core issues of the series and with more moments of levity and ironic twists; I like seeing the characters the actors are playing though I am clueless about what's in which timeline now!

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