Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Greetings from Sea Shell City

We are home from the beach, which I am slightly sad about but mostly happy that we got to go at all, given how things looked last week at this time. We took a last walk along the shore in the morning, saw lots of sandpipers for the first time this trip -- they must avoid hours when more people are around -- plus a confused ghost crab, then we packed up and headed out. I had one more stop I wanted to make in Fenwick Island, at Sea Shell City and the DiscoverSea Shipwreck Museum, in both cases looking for Blackbeard souvenirs. There were mostly plastic pirate toys and painted shells in the shop, but the museum has a boarding sword that the Smithsonian said is probably connected to Blackbeard based on the leaves on the handle design, and the guide told us Izzy Hands had family in New Jersey so Blackbeard would raid around Delaware knowing that they had friends to hide them nearby if necessary. 

The Denton park where we had intended to picnic at lunchtime had its main public area closed for repairs to the boat ramp, so instead we stopped at a Burger King for Impossible Burgers and a quick dog walk before heading over the not-too-traffic-laden Chesapeake Bay Bridge. We got home to a big thunderstorm, but we managed to unpack the van and get the laundries started, so that when the rain stopped, we could walk Pepper around the neighborhood -- there were deer and bunnies in evidence too. We ate Adam's leftover birthday Ethiopian food for dinner plus some cake my mother provided -- she took care of our cats while we were away, though the cats tried to convince us they had not been fed and were not pleased we brought the dog back in the house. Now we're watching The Gray Man, which is more enjoyably acted than logically scripted but it's fine for high body count action I guess. A few photos of our day: 


2022-07-25 09.47.58

2022-07-25 11.03.24

2022-07-25 11.05.50

2022-07-25 11.14.39

2022-07-25 14.52.19

2022-07-25 18.58.26

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