Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Poem for Tuesday and Homestead Farm Animals

The Weeping Sea Beast
By Naomi Replansky

Tentacled for food,
You range your underwater neighborhood.
To look, to like, to eat, to break your fast!
Before you move an inch an hour is past,
Your prey is past, a swarm of scales, an eye,
A round fish eye, a rude unblinking eye.
You close on nothing; slowly you untwine
Your many arms and trail them through the brine.
Now sailors at the surface hear you cry,
And from those heights they cannot fathom why.
For there are agile creatures all around
Who dart like flames through this rich hunting ground
And others who lie still and gaping wide
And make no move; but armies come inside.


Adam is arriving Tuesday night (after an unexpected detour to Las Vegas, where one of his oldest friends was unexpectedly getting married and asked him to be the best man), so I spent Monday doing a bunch of chores and laundry and some shopping. Plus we went to vote early because we have plans much of the primary election day, and we took a walk and saw bunnies! 

 Our evening TV viewing involved the second half of Book of Love, which is pretty silly as rom-coms go but the actors have chemistry and I like the Mexican setting, then we watched The Sea Beast, which I wasn't sure I would like since it's based on Moby Dick, but it's actually an anti-whaling, anti-imperialist fable with tall ships and female protagonists! Homestead Farm animals: 








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