Friday, September 23, 2022

Greetings from Green Lake

I have had a lovely day with my family in Seattle, in mostly beautiful weather though we could smell the wildfire smoke when we woke up and it was overcast. Younger son came and met us at older son's house, then we walked through the Green Lake neighborhood to the Portage Bay Cafe, where we had various excellent egg dishes and all split pecan pancakes (which gave us access to the pancake bar, which had about eight kinds of fresh fruit, plus nuts, whipped cream, and various toppings). After that, we needed a walk, so we did the full three mile loop around Green Lake and the park! Then we got iced coffee at Kitanda. 

We stopped on the way to Olympic Sculpture Park to pick up one of older son's girlfriend's dogs for an outing -- she had to work all day -- and walked Thandie and younger son's dog Pepper through the sculpture garden down to the beach on Elliott Bay under spectacular clear skies. When we got back, Thandie was a bit too aggressive with Pepper, so she got left at son's house while we went to dinner at the Greenlake Grill, where I was still so full from lunch that I had soup, hummus and pita. After that, younger son and Pepper headed home, and older son brought us back to his place to walk Thandie by the Weedin Place Fallout Shelter. 


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2022-09-22 20.08.53

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