Friday, September 09, 2022

Poem for Friday and Sandy Point Pond

To the Queen
Attributed to William Shakespeare

As the dial hand tells o'er
The same hours it had before,

Still beginning in the ending,
Circular account still lending,

So, most mighty Queen we pray,
Like the dial day by day

You may lead the seasons on,
Making new when old are gone,

That the babe which now is young
And hath yet no use of tongue

Many a Shrovetide here may bow
To that empress I do now,

That the children of these lords,
Sitting at your council boards,

May be grave and aged seen
Of her that was their fathers' queen.

Once I wish this wish again,
Heaven subscribe it with "Amen".


I had a bunch of plans to get things done on Thursday, but then the Queen died and I wound up watching news and talking to a couple of British friends and a couple of U.S. friends I knew were interested in the monarchy, including a long-ago friend from camp who was going to marry Prince Andrew while I was going to marry Prince Edward (I think neither of us has any regrets that didn't come about). It's a strange, sad feeling -- I understand a lot of people hate the monarchy and the colonialism for which it stands and has long promoted, but this Queen started working during World War II and kept working up until two days ago. 

We took a walk on this lovely cool afternoon -- no toads today, but there were bunnies and blue jays -- and had fake beef stroganoff for dinner. Then I watched She-Hulk around the start of the football season; it's fine with me if Wongers and Madisynn remain a thing, and if the tribulations of dating as a Hulk remains a subplot given that we haven't seen Bruce date anyone (except maybe Tony in the jungle love shack) since the atrocious Natasha storyline. Plus I talked to my Thursday night fan group which is always fun! From Mezick Pond at Sandy Point State Park, where we saw boats, crabs, geese, gulls, and an egret: 








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