Sunday, October 02, 2022

Greetings from the Canal

My computer just crashed so badly that one of my plans for a predicted very rainy Sunday is to go look at new ones so I will be brief. We had the outer bands of Post-Tropical Storm Ian around for most of Saturday, but there was a period in the afternoon when it was just misty, so we put on our waterproof sneakers and went to the C&O Canal. There weren't many turtles, maybe because of the weather, but there were lots of frogs and some ducks and we saw a muskrat for the first time in months! 







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We stopped at the Bethesda Co-op on the way home, where we got crusty bread and cheese, which inspired us to have that with soup for dinner. Now we're watching The Fellowship of the Ring, with Cheryl, which I don't think I've seen all the way through since right before older son moved to Seattle in 2015 (I needed a break from both The Hobbit disappointment and Viggo's Jill Stein evangelism) and it is reminding me of all the reasons I fell in love with the movies in the first place, so that is a total joy!

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