Thursday, October 27, 2022

Poem for Thursday and Gathland Sights

This Book
By George Alfred Townsend, a.k.a. Gath

This book I wrote at 28
and thought it only light and flip
And did not know, till now, too late,
our best is in apprenticeship
That while we learn, we so enjoy,
as, when we're learned, we never can:
The feats of Hercules, the boy,
he never matched when he was man.


I had a quiet Wednesday morning trying to get stuff done, then I talked to all three of my good high school friends at lunchtime, which is always my favorite lunch hour. By the time we were off Google Meet, the clouds had gone and we had a gorgeous sunny late afternoon, so we took a walk and had Indian food for dinner. 

I had to watch The Masked Singer again (YES I DID) because it was Muppet week, then we Skyped with the kids to try to figure out Thanksgiving schedules. Afterward, we watched this week's Andor, which has gotten better and better, and the Thor: Love and Thunder extras, which are very fun. Scenes from Gathland last weekend: 



2022-10-22 14.34.09




2022-10-22 14.17.11

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